Nodejs Questions

Node.js interview topics

What is Node.js ? Node.js is a powerful open-source JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript on the server-side, outside of a web browser. Node.js is asynchronous, event-driven, and non-blocking, which makes it a great choice for building scalable network applications. In Node.js, asynchronous programming is achieved through…

JavaScript Questions

Commonly asked JavaScript Interview Questions (with answers)

What are new ES6 features ? Here’s a summary of key features introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) that significantly enhanced JavaScript development: 1. Classes: Syntactic sugar for creating object blueprints with inheritance and encapsulation. 2. Arrow Functions: Concise syntax for writing functions, often used in callbacks and higher-order functions. 3. Let and Const: 4. Template Literals:…

TypeScript Questions

Commonly asked TypeScript Interview Questions (with answers)

What is TypeScript and how does it differ from JavaScript ? Here’s a breakdown of TypeScript and its key differences from JavaScript: TypeScript: Key Differences from JavaScript: What are enums ? In TypeScript, enums are a way to define a set of named constants. They allow you to create a collection of related values that can be assigned…

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Using TypeScript to build NodeJS and Express Application

In this article we will learn how can we build a NodeJS and express application using TypeScript, which is being treated as a JavaScript replacement and many NodeJS applications have already started shifting their code from JavaScript to TypeScript. So its just a matter of time for TypeScript to become the de facto standard for…

Running NodeJS and MongoDB Application on Docker thumbnail

Using Docker to Containerize NodeJS and MongoDB Application

In this article we will learn how to run NodeJS applications on docker. We will take two examples of node applications, one a simple node app returning just ‘Hello from docker!!’ message as response, and another a full fledged node app with MongoDB that performs basic user registration, login and authentication. Checkout full source code…

Using Swagger to Autogenerate OpenAPI Specifications for REST APIs Thumbnail

Using Swagger to Autogenerate OpenAPI Specifications for REST APIs

In this article we will learn how we can auto generate OpenAPI Specifications using Swagger for RESTful APIs which helps us to describe, consume and visualize the APIs. With the help of swagger we will learn to autogenerate API documentation for REST APIs we built for CRUD operations. Checkout full source code for this implementation…

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User Authentication in NodeJS using Passport.js (local strategy)

In this article we will learn how to implement user authentication in NodeJS using passport.js which is a authentication middleware and is extremely flexible and modular. In this tutorial we will create a simple NodeJS backend using express with just registration and login functionality to understand the use of passport.js in authentication. In previous article…