
Angular interview topics

What is Angular? Angular is a development platform, built on TypeScript, for building scalable web applications with components, libraries, and tools. It was introduced to create Single Page Applications (SPAs) and bring structure and consistency to web applications, providing excellent scalability and maintainability. Angular is an open-source, JavaScript framework wholly written in TypeScript. It uses HTML’s syntax…

TypeScript Questions

Commonly asked TypeScript Interview Questions (with answers)

What is TypeScript and how does it differ from JavaScript ? Here’s a breakdown of TypeScript and its key differences from JavaScript: TypeScript: Key Differences from JavaScript: What are enums ? In TypeScript, enums are a way to define a set of named constants. They allow you to create a collection of related values that can be assigned…

JWT Refresh

Using JWT Refresh Token in NodeJS and Angular Authentication

In this article we will learn how to generate and make use of JWT refresh token to request for new access token without having the need to login every time the access token expires. We will also learn how to use angular interceptor in this refresh process to check for access token expiry and immediately…

User Registration, Login and JWT Authentication in Angular

User Registration, Login and JWT Authentication in Angular

In this article we will learn how to implement user registration, login and JWT authentication in Angular. We will create a simple angular application which will allow user to register, login and then allow user to access application’s home page if the user is authenticated using JWTs. In previous article we learned how to implement…